Energy: the central pillar of development
Access to electricity, petroleum products and renewable energies cannot be a matter of chance. National and international resources allied to rigorous planning and management can contribute to overcome energy shortages which affect economy, industry and social welfare as ultimate goal.
Energy policies and strategies should result from clear visions which are elaborated with tested and tried methods and techniques. Chief Frederic Nguime Ekollo, AFRECOM's CEO conducted the energy policy and strategy project for Cameroon between 1986 and 1992 and the energy strategy and investment program for Cameroon in 1995. The experience of the AFRECOM's senior consultant extends to the elaboration of the Performance Contract between the State of Cameroon and its national power company SONEL in 1989, and to the management of exploration and production of hydrocarbons where Chief F. Nguimè Ekollo served as Deputy general Manager for Pecten Cameroon Company (Shell subsidiary) for 14 years.
He contributed to the African Energy Plan carried out by the African development bank (ADB) in 1994. In this context, he did energy monographs for Equatorial Guinee, Democratic Congo and Tchad, and participated in the Project's Strategy Committee.
Chief F. Nguime Ekollo was the Chairman of the Orientation Board of the IEPF (Institute of Energy for countries sharing French as common language) where he contributed to the creation and coordination of the PRISME (International Program for Energy Conservation).
AFRECOM is at the disposal of Governments, Councils, regional entities and corporations for elaborating of policies and strategies which anticipate energy shortages and therefore consolidate the foundation of economic and social development.
Energy Solutions for a better and sustainable world
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